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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lucy did her part - heartbreaker in Durham

Up nine with 2:30 to go, Tar Heels fall to Duke in overtime. Crushing defeat, after a fantastic effort by a team that can't quite figure out how to put all of the pieces together. Lucy changed into this sweatshirt and shorts at halftime and was so excited when went on a big run to take the lead . . . only to later crawl into family room in complete devastation.

Powerful tribute to Coach Smith before National Anthem. Watch it here.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day to these three special gals!

Roll, won't you come roll with me . . .

Roll, won't you come roll with me slow, fast, full speed
Girl wherever sweet time takes us
Hang, with me down this old road
Only God knows where we'll go
Don't matter long as I've got your love
I don't ever want to wake up
Lookin' into someone else's eyes

Slide, slide over nice and close
Lay your head down on my shoulder
You can fall asleep I'll let you
Dream, life aint nothing but a dream, don't wanna be
Cruisin' through this dream without you

I don't ever want to wake up
Lookin' into someone else's eyes
Another Voice calling me baby
On the other end of the phone
A new girl puttin' on her makeup
Before dinner on Friday night
No I don't ever wanna know, oh oh
No other shotgun rider, beside me, singin' to the radio,
No other shotgun rider . . .

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rodger's prayer

Hey girls,

Rodger Anderson shared this prayer with me on the back of an envelope a couple of weeks ago. I've been using it each day, as I continue to try and find  peace and balance after losing dad. As Rodge says, you can go pretty deep in a lot of directions with this prayer. I think he is right!

It goes like this:
  • Forgive me Lord for the things I have done wrong and for the things that I failed to do that I should have done.
  • Heal me Lord - my mind, my body, and my soul (spirit).
  • Strengthen my faith each day.
  • Make me not afraid.
  • Have mercy on me and others.
I just wanted to share it with all of you.



Tuesday, February 3, 2015

From Campus to Cubicle

I thought this was good for my young professional daughter Sally and soon-to-be young professional Emily. And not bad advice for my amazing 9th grade daughter either!

 “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
These words are familiar to many of us. But even if we pray these words consistently, do we actually expect to see anything change? If we do ask for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, what is our responsibility to affect that change? What role should we play in ushering in the kingdom of God right here and now?
Read post here: From Campus to Cubicle

Takeaways: (1) Stay positive even when others would not; (2) Offer encouragement when it is needed.