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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rodger's prayer

Hey girls,

Rodger Anderson shared this prayer with me on the back of an envelope a couple of weeks ago. I've been using it each day, as I continue to try and find  peace and balance after losing dad. As Rodge says, you can go pretty deep in a lot of directions with this prayer. I think he is right!

It goes like this:
  • Forgive me Lord for the things I have done wrong and for the things that I failed to do that I should have done.
  • Heal me Lord - my mind, my body, and my soul (spirit).
  • Strengthen my faith each day.
  • Make me not afraid.
  • Have mercy on me and others.
I just wanted to share it with all of you.

