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Friday, May 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Emily Page Singletary


1. Emily impresses me with her fortitude and incredible attitude. With golf and fashion design, she is often pushed past limits that others would crumble under. She stays strong and always does her best. I am so proud of you Emily! There is nothing life can throw you that you will not be able to handle!

2. Emily is a true friend in every since of the word. She supports her teammates, roommates and friends as they deal with life without expecting any thing in return. Of course it's nice to be loved back, And everyone loves Emily!!!

3) I absolutely love how Emily calls me most every day and updates me on her life. Please don't ever stop. Happy Birthday sweet Emily. Your mama loves you!


1. I love how Emily can be friends with absolutely anyone. She has a great way of relating to people and is one of the most empathetic people I know. She takes no friendship lightly or for granted. She finds qualities to appreciate in everyone and makes everyone feel special. 

2. I love how Emily stays so true to herself always. She has not strayed from her love of fashion design and has persevered with extreme fortitude. She is passionate, driven, talented and going to succeed without a doubt in whatever she wants! 


1. One thing I love about Emily is her constant positive attitude. She has taken her senior year with such a graceful approach and I admire that everyday. She finds the bright side of every situation and certainly knows how to have fun no matter what situation she's put in. 

2. I love how Emily is always so supportive. She has always been supportive of me and Sally in everything we do but it is clear she is also very supportive of her classmates, teammates and friends at school. Thank you for being such a great big sister meme! :)


1. Emily, we are so super proud of what you have accomplished at SCAD these past four years. You made a choice to pursue a design career that is very rigorous and challenging, but you went all in. You have excelled in the classroom (aka, the lab), in the gym (aka, Coach Carter), on the golf course, (aka Captain), and as a friend and advisor to your pals. These skills and attributes will all translate into the amazing life that is in front of you in the world. 

2. Thanks for being such a special member of our family. You are the connector between your big and little sister, and they both adore you so much. You are a great communicator with your parents. Mom and I have had so much fun going through the past four years with you - the ups and the downs - and watching you develop into such a talented and amazing young woman!