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Saturday, April 24, 2021

Meghan Meserole is a Tar Heel


This note from my golf buddy Greg Meserole's daughter Meghan just made my day! Also above is Uncle Ricky with Meghan at the Old Well. The message from Greg with the photo was simply: "Absolutely the best is Ricky May!"

Thanks (also) to my new Austin-friend Brian Golson, Chair of Honors Carolina and serves on the Rams Club Advisory Board. Brian opened doors for Meghan with the Woman's Golf Team, where she will be a preferred walk-on in the fall. Brian's daughter Kate will be a freshman in Honors Carolina next fall as well!

You can learn more about Meghan here. Check out her blog on nutritional science and wellness, a special area of interest she plans to focus on at Carolina.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Happy Birthday London Sally

Hey sweet Sally Singletary Wilkinson. We miss you so much, but we are all so proud of you and happy for your amazing adventure with T across the pond.


Happy Birthday to my April 1 baby! Dad and I waited anxiously from St. Patty’s Day until April Fools Day for your arrival. I felt sure you were a boy and we planned to call you Mac (Malcom McDowell), but you were a beautiful bald-headed girl that we named Sally after my great grandmother, Sally Collins. You have grown up to be very similar to the dynamic, funny, sweet great-grandmother I remember. You are hard-working, you light up every room with your genuine love, you make everything around you look pretty, you are smart, witty, and make everyone feel special, both young and old. You carry  Sally Collins' spirit, grace, and name perfectly!

Sally, you are amazing. It’s not easy to sell everything you own, leave jobs, family and friends and move to a different country even in the best of times. You and Taylor have done this during a lockdown! You have courage, strength, hope, and positivity that is admirable. You laugh at life and also find beauty in it. I love that you call me and share your days and life. That is the best gift you can give me and I never take one minute for granted. I can’t wait to see you soon. Until then, I’m hugging you tight from afar. Stay strong and happy. I love you!


SALLY - Silly, Adventurous, Luminous, Loving, Y = ?????

Yummylicious? Nah. Yuppie? Nah. Youthfulness? Maybe. Young-at-heart. Closer. Young-gun business woman! I like that one.

Sally is ready to rock the world with her business skills. She has an amazing set of skills for design and people naturally gravitate to her for guidance and advice. That is the very combination you need to be successful in your own design business. I can't wait to see what is next.

Thank you Sally for being my first baby girl and setting such a great example for your two younger sisters. Keep it going!


Sally has always been extremely gifted with style and taste. She is our go-to girl for all things fashion and home. I love that she is always helpful and truthful when it comes to what she likes. She has impeccable taste and I’m lucky to have her as a voice of reason in my life. Everyone who knows her knows how stylish she is. She is always very put together.

Sally is hilarious. She is always ready to laugh at any story and always has one to share. Whenever Sally would visit me in Savannah or NYC, we’d have a blast. I loved spending Covid times this year with Sally and T in Austin. I know they will have so many adventures to share from London but can’t wait for them to move on down to ATX!!


I love Sally's undeniable taste and sense of style. I love that she is so true to herself and really embodies all of the things that her style does - she’s classy poised timeless and fun! She’s so talented and it’s such a privilege to look at her excelling at her gifts and passions - and of course because of all of her hard work. 

I LOVE that s + t decided to take a huge step of faith and adventure to London! I am so proud to have a sister who wants to experience the world, travel, and gain more perspective. I know it’s hard at times but she has handled it with such grace :) I love you so so much Sal and I miss u like crazy! Come back stateside soon!!


Sally, we miss you and hope you enjoy your birthday over there. I respect how you made the jump to London with no job and just a plan to find a way to make it happen. It did not take you long at all to find not only one but two job offers. Successful people find a way and that's what you are.   

I love how awesome of an older sister you are. Being the oldest can be tough (I know from experience) but you always set a great example and precedent for your two sisters and help whenever you can.


Sal is my best friend and my favorite person in the world. She encouraged me to pursue work in London, to dream bigger than I ever thought I could, and to seek advice and consultation along the way. She’s a doer, achiever, GIVER, and supporter. She’s the only person I could move across the world with and do a 6-month lockdown in a foreign country. 

I love how we dream together. We love to spend Friday nights dreaming, chatting, and bouncing around ideas. Sal is on the cusp of uncharted territory with her work. She’s revamped and revitalized a young company, providing them with the leadership and dedication they’ve needed. And now the knocks on her door are coming in heavy, which couldn’t be more exciting and happen to someone any more deserving than Sal. It’s amazing to be at her side and bear witness.