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Monday, January 1, 2024

Make it a Great YEAR: 2024!

Good morning, hoot hoot children,

You have a telegram from your father. 

I penned Mum a ditty called 'BETTER TOGETHER' and typed the footnote on my new portable Royal (iOS v1.0.) The one that sailed across the Atlantic. 

A special Xmas gift from my secret Santa, Lucy May. It's a carbon copy of my Grandfather Singletary's Royal, only smaller. The iPad of yesteryear! Well done, LuLu. 

I miss Kyle's notes. The ones he typed for me on the larger Royal, that remains in the closet in ATX. MIGM - The sun did come up (sort of)

As is my tradition on New Years Day, for the goal-setters and those who prefer to simply wing it, I share my favorite quote and whole-person diagram below. Plus a link to some New Year's goal-setting Nuggets for those who choose to go deeper.

But first, here's the poem and a couple of photos of Mum's new swag . . .

Swinley Forest Golf Club

Happy New Year: My gift to you

And a final thought 

in form of a verse

Let’s all make 2024,

as good or better, 

than any before.

And maybe Collins 

has it all right, 

a calm, uncluttered mind,  

the type 

of peace, 

we all should find. 🙏🙏🙏

God bless our family,

Dad (gPa)