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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Birthday Taylor!

Sally: This has been the best year with T. Having Collins together has been the most fun, incredible, challenging, and beautiful experience, and that is in large part because I have the best partner in T. He is the most present, thoughtful, and dependable dad. He is always thinking ahead of the game. All the qualities I have always loved about Taylor have become even stronger this year. He has grown so much professionally and personally. Fatherhood suits him. I can’t wait to continue this adventure together. 

Lucy: One thing I love about T is his intentionality. As long as I’ve known Taylor he has made a point to find time to ask thoughtful questions and catch up when we are together. A favourite memory of mine from this past year was the Wilkinsons hosting Christmas for the first time and getting to sit around Sally and Taylor’s table for an amazing toast by T and a handwritten letter to each guest. It really showcased Taylor’s ability to be intentional with each of his friends and family members in his home, even in the midst of having a newborn! Love you, T! I hope to be like you when I grow up ;)

Trey: One thing I love about Taylor is that he is willing to go the extra mile for those around him. Although he leads a busy life (a successful career, taking care of a family, cultivating friendships), he has not hesitated to help me with any career and life questions I may have. He's adamant about checking in and wants to help wherever possible. I'm grateful to have new big brothers like Taylor and Kyle, who I know I can count on for anything. Happy Birthday, T!

Emily: Happy birthday to Papa T! I have loved watching Taylor become a dad this year. I have always admired Taylor for his thoughtfulness and kindness, and watching those traits magnify as he adores Collins has been so sweet. Taylor is always a good time and I loved staying with Sally and T right after Collins was born, and we were so happy to have him visit us in Connecticut in May! I also love when Taylor cracks up at something (probably out of left field) that Kyle has said or just something funny that happens admidst the busy nights with family. He is always bringing positive vibes to the family!

Kyle: Taylor, happy birthday, however old you are. I may be repetitive year after year, but I love having you as a brother-in-law and will continue to say it every year. Nothing says it more than when my friends get the chance to spend time with you and speak so highly of you after. You’re always a great hang and outside of the MacBook saga in Athens 2017 we never butt heads. Can’t wait to get you back state side next year.

Cathy: What I love about Taylor is how much he adores Collins. He watches her every move and gives the most thorough commentary on how funny, sweet, or amazing she is. As a dad, he makes an effort to care for her properly. He takes no shortcuts. You are a wonderful dad, Taylor, and Collins knows it. She adores you and is watching your every move, too!

gPa: T, Happiest of birthdays to my first son-in-law. What a joy it has been to have you in our family, to watch you grow personally and professionally, and now to watch you grow as a father to Collins. I am so incredibly proud of you and all you stand for. The way you go about life is truly an inspiration. Keep being you!