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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Monday, September 9, 2019

Tar Heels are 2-0! Make it a Great Monday Team

Game face on before kickoff | Susan and Dana's ranch in the background
Hey Lucy May and family,

I had my game face on at Susan's 50th birthday celebration. Photo above is overlooking Susan and Dana's ranch, from their neighbor's property. They have really done a lot to the place since our last visit.

Tar Heels with a big week two win against the best 0-2 team in the country, Miami. Heels turn around and play again on Friday night at Wake Forest, both teams are 2-0. Army and Texas came up short. Those were probably the best three games of the day. Dawgs rolled Murray State and the Chaps looked good as well in Houston.

Mom and I leave for Colorado on Wednesday afternoon, where we will celebrate 31 years of marriage. Woohoo!



P.S. We got a great book recommendation from Beth and Kevin Smith, called Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. Mom and I have it and plan to read and annotate together. I'll try to post some nuggets from the book over the next stretch, starting with Stay Whole Tuesday tomorrow.