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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The time for a timeline - Merry Christmas

Dear family and friends,

I recently learned about something called a 'Life Journey' timeline from an Austin-based business coach and friend by the name of Jim Blanchard

Each of us has a journey line that began the moment we were born. The journey line is a story of your life. The highs and lows, events, values, and influences that shaped your thinking and development as a person. By reviewing your journey line, you may become more self-aware. By becoming more self-aware, you live from a place of freedom. And, from that place, you may more effortlessly and wisely choose your path towards happiness and prosperity. In short, self-awareness equals freedom. (There is a forgiveness piece that seems to come into play as well when you go through this exercise.)

I have decided to share my timeline as an example and as a way to say thanks. For those who are mentioned or pictured please know I appreciate and love you. I have been so blessed to have you in my life. There are many others whom I have thought about when doing this exercise. I couldn't get them all down, nor get through the thousands of photos I have accumulated.

If you so choose, view my journey line here. Best if viewed on a computer, rather than a phone. View in full-screen mode and use the plus-minus scaler and your mouse to slide pages around. If no time for yet another digital dump, at least know I wanted to share this with you as a way of saying thanks for being part of my journey.

Happy holidays,
