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Monday, November 28, 2011

Discovering Advent


I like to read Mark Robert's daily reflection each morning on The High Calling website. Mark has a new e-book called, Discovering Advent: How to Experience the Power of Waiting on God at Christmastime. I am thinking about getting the book and reading it with mom. 

It is a book about slowing down and remembering the true meaning of Christmas. That gets more and more difficult in our society, where everything is so fast paced and where our expectations are for immediate satisfaction in all things. We do not 'wait' very well for anything. It is ironic that when we 'wait' for something, we actually enjoy it more when we get it.

It was nice to be in church with mom yesterday for the first Sunday of Advent. I am going to try and slow down every morning this month and reflect on the Advent readings from our prayer book.

Make it a great Monday . . . what is left of it!
