Lucy looking sharp on a rainy morning in Austin |
Emily with a nice third place finish and longest drive trophy at Lost Creek |
NUGGETS FROM DAD began in the fall of 2010 when our oldest daughter left for college. (Make it a Great Monday; Stay Whole Tuesday; Woman Power Wednesday; Make Anything Thursday; and Fit as a Fiddle Friday.) | IF YOU LANDED HERE FROM GPAGESINGLETARY.COM, LINKS NEED TO BE FIXED IN THE BLOG POSTS PORTED TO THE NEW SITE. TYPE WWW.GPAGESINGLETARY.COM IN YOUR BROWSER TO RETURN, OR SEE THE LINK BELOW.
Lucy looking sharp on a rainy morning in Austin |
Emily with a nice third place finish and longest drive trophy at Lost Creek |
Shortly after that, she came to visit me in California and we went on a trip up the Pacific Coast. We had a picnic in a field near Mendocino, CA and I gave her a very special birthday present in a brown envelope. I have never told my children about that birthday present . . . stay tuned . . . stay whole.In the brown envelope was a letter that I wrote and read to your mom on the picnic. It starts like this:
March 29, 2040. The early morning sun sparkles into the Pacific Ocean surf. A calm steady breeze brings life to wind chimes dangling from a beach front balcony. A seagull swoops down as if to peer into the room . . .
Page: Good morning sweetie and Happy Birthday. You look beautiful. How does it feel to be 80 years old?
Cathy: I feel great!
Page: You look great. Get dressed. I've got a surprise for you.The dialog goes on for many pages. After I read it to her that day, we put it away and agreed that we would not read it again until March 29, 2040. Now a lot happened in our relationship between that day and when we eventually got married. I want to discuss one particular element of our 'courtship' a bit more over the next few days, as I think you will really relate to it.
Contorted Goose |
I had to make two concept boards. (the sentence that goes from one to the other is my concept) It is probably hard to understand them with out hearing the whole presentation but I like how I designed them and they took like 6 hours each.
Trey Slack with Lucy and Abigail Downing |