Odds and Ends
- Check out this article on Autodesk Sketchbook. Certainly something for you girls to be aware of and maybe a good tool for practicing your digital sketching capabilities.
- Emily has a chance to listen to Under Armour speak to SCAD students tonight about career opportunities with UA. She may not be able to get to the session because of her drawing class, but really cool that SCAD brings in these types of companies to speak to the students.
- Check out this golf shot from Pine Valley in Crump Cup, which took place a couple of days after we left.
- Uncle Ricky says SME Branding is an interesting company to check out and would be a good company for SCAD to have on campus.
- Sally needs new running shoes . . . wore out the last pair.
- I had jury duty today but did not get selected in the 'voir dire' process.
- Found my keys . . . Go Tar Heels!