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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Season

Ho Ho Ho,

It has been nice to have what feels like an extra week of Thanksgiving this year to decompress a bit after Turkey Day and think about what is ahead for December. Mom and I need a few things from each of you in order to make the holidays enjoyable.

First, we would like for each of you to submit a list of things that you already have or things that you get to do for which you are thankful. I would hope that list is easy to compile and somewhat detailed. Second, we would like a Christmas wish list, keeping in mind the budget we discussed. Lucy already did a nice job on her Christmas list. Third, I would like for each of you to suggest some things that you will do to help around the house this holiday season. Let's plan to have a family meeting this Sunday to discuss all of these things. Sally, we will patch you in remotely.

Does that leave you enough time to prepare?

I love you,
