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Saturday, August 3, 2013

To do each day with your mate

Pat and Dianne celebrate 50 years of marriage today! How do you make 50 years the best they can be? Dianne shared these five A's at the beach and I am excited to share them on Nuggets today:
AFFECTION . . . through your eyes, your words, and your actions of kindness;

AFFIRMATION . . . affirm and confirm the importance of your mate in your life, and how your spouse makes you a better person;

APOLOGY . . . apologize for any misgiving of the day (intentional or unintentional);

ASK . . . what can you do to make your mate's day/life better;

AMEN . . . pray together . . . for yourself and for each other.
And, she added 'smile constantly' and 'hug frequently'! I think we call that WASBAF!

Congratulations Uncle Pat and Aunt Dianne. We love you very much!