1. Sally is an amazing daughter who is such a great help with our new condo. I love how she is so passionate about her work and how she is helping us design such a cool and functional new space.
2. I love Sally's boyfriend, now fiancé Taylor. She has chosen well and I know they will have an awesome engagement and wedding.
1. Sally handles every situation with the best interests of others in mind, humbling herself.
2. Sally works exhaustively at perfecting her craft, as evidenced by the tremendous responsibility she is given at work. She has excelled and yet manages to stay grounded at the same time.
2. I love how sal is so confident and knows what she wants. It's an awesome quality to have and I admire it greatly.
1. Sally is very inclusive, kind and generous. I love the way she is always thinking of others by organizing dinner parties and picking out the perfect gift.
2. I love how quirky and fun Sally is. You really never know what is going to pop into that pretty little head of hers.
1. I love how funny Sally is. She always has some story to tell me or even the way she responds to my stories always makes me laugh. Everyone who meets Sally loves her and that is a true accomplishment!
2. I love that Sally has worked very hard to get to where she is in her job, social life, and future marriage. I am so proud of her for always being goal oriented and having a truly happy life. She has to do everything first and I am so lucky to get to come right behind her. I can't wait to be by her side on her wedding day and be ALMOST right across from T! Exciting things to come.