I love how Taylor approaches everything with 100% commitment and drive. Whether he is practicing golf, leading a bible study (or two), working, studying, exercising, or being the best husband to me — he shows up and is always present. He puts intention and care into every decision he makes and is looked up to and admired by all. He is a leader. I am so thankful and proud to call him mine!
I love how Taylor balances his diligent, serious side with simply knowing how to have a good time. He appreciates and recognizes the little things in life and works so hard to fill our life with fun. He brings people together and has a contagious energy and spirit. Especially at the beach — his favorite place!!
Happy Birthday T! I love how Taylor is always so generous and chill especially when we visit in Atlanta. We come in hot with a lot of plans and stuff and Taylor is always very considerate!
I love how Taylor loves Sally and how he has embraced our family so much. He is the best brother we could have hoped for!
T is one of the most kind-hearted and encouraging people I have ever met. I am so thankful for the endless support he has shown me over the past few years with everything from choosing a major to summer plans. Thanks for being the best big brother T!
I love the way Taylor leads and loves Sal so well. That is the greatest gift you could ask for as a little sister and it is such a joy to watch and learn from them. I love you T!
I admire the way Taylor explores his career options and wants to grow professionally and intellectually. He is not afraid to get out of his comfort zone and look for what is next. He understands how to create choices in his professional life; but is wise to evaluate those choices and seek the counsel of others. Those traits will continue to separate Taylor from the pack.
I continue to enjoy having another man in the family and especially one who is so kind and considerate to Sally and to all of my girls. Looking forward to Labor Day weekend and some golf and college football time with T!
MIL: I love my genteel, well mannered, kind, gracious, GA born and bred son-in-law.
Wouldn’t trade him for the world!
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"I take T over the world any day!" |