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Friday, October 18, 2019

Happy Friday - Beautiful day in Austin - Stay Fit!

Some pics from London. Taylor tells me he visited Lloyd's of London yesterday, simply known as Lloyd's in the industry. The company was founded in 1686 and (I believe) is the oldest insurance company in the world.

Westlake has their 50th Homecoming tonight. Complete sellout and we do not have tickets. We are going to Empty Nester Tailgate, and I hear Kyle's Uncles and Aunts (Heather, John, Bernie and Bernadette) may all be joining us.

Saturday games:

Tarheels at Va Tech @ 2:30PM CT
Kentucky at UGA @ 5:00PM CT
Yale at Richmond @ 5:00PM CT
Kansas at UT @ 6:00PM CT
Texas A&M at Ole Miss @ 6:30PM CT