I love how Emily sees positives in everyone and can get along with just about anyone. She is so approachable and kind to all who cross her path. Her easy-going nature puts everyone at ease. I can never get enough of Emily in my life and am so lucky she is my sister and best friend!
I love and am so proud of how Emily has found the perfect nitch for herself in Austin at Yeti. She is already killing it, and I have no doubt she will continue to succeed as she grows with the company. I love how Emily has stayed true to herself in her career and otherwise. She is 100% her authentic self all the time, and that is such an incredible achievement!
Meme is my best friend!! I love how we get to do life so much more closely these past couple of years and all of our crazy ideas, workouts, and adventures! She’s my partner in crime in Austin for all things food, exercise, fun, clothes, travel, and more. I am so thankful to be just around the corner, and I can’t wait to spend more time with your big sister!
There are really so many things I love about Emily. She’s so talented, hard-working, laidback, FUN, hilarious, and truly the glue that holds our family together. I don’t know what I would do without her wisdom and advice. She makes me laugh continuously and is always encouraging me in everything I do. I love getting to follow in her footsteps and hope I’m more like Emily as I grow up! LOVE U MEME :)
It’s fun to have a college athlete in the family. I really enjoy telling Brits that my sister-in-law played college golf because they immediately perk up and listen. Emily is a natural golfer but, for me, a really natural point of pride.
Emily is really supportive of Sally and all she wants to do. She is a great sister and always offers Sal a listening ear and a story to swap. She, in turn, is fun to watch with her experience at Yeti, which is a really cool job. Can’t wait to see where it takes her, and I’m hopeful into international dealings.
Emily makes me smile every day! She finds joy and humor in life and always has a funny story to share. I look forward to and appreciate our daily chats as she walks Kevin through her downtown neighborhood. Emily, you are a beacon of light that we are all lucky to have in our life. You are a loving daughter, sister, girlfriend, and mama to Kevin.
Emily is organized and smart. She has jumped into uncharted territory at Yeti with confidence and grace. She is always there to keep me focused and on task. She can maintain a calm presence throughout any storm. She organizes dinner parties, is our family 'Santa' every year, and keeps me focused when needed. Thanks for all you do, Emily!
She is very good at directing me around Austin while I drive her on her Yeti errands.
I am amazed at Emily's career trajectory and how she excels at so many tangible and intangible things. It warms my heart as a dad to think back to the night Emily asked us if she could go to an art school. The path that lead Emily to SCAD is a remarkable story, and she should be super proud of how she used golf and SCAD to launch a career in apparel production and design. To get the opportunity to represent a brand as cool as YETI is even more reason to be excited for Emily.
I can't wait for Emily to possibly be a member of ACC, so we can find time to play golf together again. Time on the golf course with Emily is one of my favorite things to do. And I am pretty sure I hit it out there a 'little bit' farther these days, so she better get back to working on her game!
It is crazy to think that last year on Emily's 26th birthday, she worked for Consuela. For “Her Two,” last year, I wrote how impressed I was with her work ethic now that I got to see her bring her work home during quarantine. Thinking back on what has been the longest year ever to where she currently is at her new job with YETI, I am beyond impressed with what she has done recently. From staying on late to pitch the Australian team, the new line of clothes took over and ran the whole damn thing when her coworker was out on maternity leave. I am very proud of where she is in her career so quickly and so proud of how hard she works at it. YETI currently Trades at $81.42; when Emily started there, it was at $26.17. it is up 211% since she started! That is some serious correlation, but if you ask me, it's most likely causation.
One of the best qualities about Emily is she sticks with me through everything. Leaving New York for Austin on a whim? She is coming. Decide to quit your job in the middle of the night because you are miserable and cannot go another day? She supports it. Get too drunk with your new boss and blackout on a Tuesday at 6pm? She takes care of me. So, when people tell me I am crazy to get up at 3:30 in the morning for work or ask me how it is possible, remember this, it is for Emily. It is amazing how easy it becomes when you have a motive. Every morning when I say goodbye to her, I know I am doing it for her and for the better life she deserves and will eventually have.
Happy 27th and Happy 4th anniversary!