In its final season, a superb group of contestants went toe-to-toe in a controversial but entertaining Ted Lasso Trivia night. Sponsored by American Campus Communities and held in the famous jkHop ‘Indoor Games’ Arena, a capacity crowd watched in awe as competitors displayed their knowledge and whit throughout four intense rounds.
The evening was occasionally filled with testy exchanges between those who knew their stuff and those who were not prepared. There were also awkward moments between show host gPage Singletary and his lovely assistant Vanna Catherine White. But in the end, gPage and Vanna Cate kept things under control and managed to conduct a compelling competition that came down to the wire.
The final results are now being contested by team Lasso’s Asshoos, led by five-time All-Conference Captain Brett Dentonian. His squad was stacked with Lynn McFearless, Mike Costanaski, and last year’s player of the year, Kathleen Hopscotch. Kathleen came into the match as the favorite to carry her team to victory. She told the media she had never felt more prepared or ready for a big match, but her game was completely thrown off by Hannah and the Pussy Cats, who came on stronger and stronger down the stretch. At a particularly intense and embarrassing point in the comp, Kathleen and the Asshoos were penalized for referring to notes she had snuck into the arena.
The Pussy Cats were captained by Dres Gonnagetya, with his young squad of Kenneth McFarside and Hannah Hoposki. Those two early-round draft choices proved too much for the rest of the field. McFarside took home MVP honors after nailing several challenges that were worth 2 points due to the complexity of the questions.
Team Lucy’s Lassos squeezed out a second-place finish and were awarded handsome prizes, along with the winners. The Lassos were captained by the sneaky funny Jillian Dent, along with the effervescent Allison Costanation and the equally fabulous Trace Wanderson.
Filling out the field was Team Richmond, whose boring name was only a match for their low scoring. That team was captained by Clas Santa Olsson, who used his first draft pick on his wife, Mrs. Santa Olsson, and then drafted Jim Hopalong and Rodger (#21 in your program, #1 in your heart) Winestain.
The conference commissioner and the committee of important people have reviewed the appeal and made it clear that the final results stand.
Hannah & da Pussycats – 8
Lucy’s Lassos – 5
Team Richmond – 4
Lassos Asshoos – 3
Here are team pictures followed by LOSERS' portrait and the Winners! . . .