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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Women Power Wednesday in Montreal

Good morning Sally,

I had a fascinating day in Montreal yesterday, my first day inside of an Autodesk facility. Read a little about the city at the link provided and you will see that it is a wonderful and vibrant city. French is the native language and some people joke that Montreal is more French than France. I am staying in a place called The St. Paul in Downtown (Old Montreal) - beautiful archetecture and walking distance to shops and trade that you (and your mom and sisters) would love. I just wish I would have paid more attention in my French classes back in my sophomore of college year at Chapel Hill. (That was the year I was setting myself up to work in the peanut mill, instead of a little 'parle-vous francais'.)

The area where my hotel is located
 Our offices (Autodesk Media and Entertainment HQ) are located in a really unique facililty that used to be a ship manufacturing building. So it is right on the water, as they would build the ships and then roll them out into the St. Lawrence Seaway when complete. Here is a great view of the city, to give you a sense of how pretty it is. 

The Autodesk facility has what I call a 'Google' or 'Apple' like feel to it, meaning that it seems to be a very cool place to work. The people all seem happy, relatively young in spirit (if not age), and really smart. There are video game consoles set up throughout the lobby, with large screens where you can play games manufactured by companies who use our software!

Tomorrow, I will share a little more about the people with whom I will be working. Our team is led by a unique and talented woman, Dianna Colella. The company is putting a lot of money behind this effort to launch my new product, which is called Smoke for Mac.

Women power,
