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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good design and the economy

Sal and E,

We've been exchanging some text on the importance of 'design' as it relates to the changing world. I think you both can find amazing opportunities in the business world, if you continue to study this trend. This article caught my eye yesterday. I especially found the part about China wanting to change from 'made in China' to 'designed in China' interesting. Emily, you might share this article with Alazne, as I believe you told me she is studying to be an Architect. The author is a Vice President at Autodesk, and a professor at Yale.

Women power Wednesday,
