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Friday, August 21, 2020

Whoop! podcast with Dr. Bob Arnot on FaaFF

Good morning Lucelia and my fit family,

Sharing a good one from WHOOP: Podcast No. 87: Dr. Bob Arnot Returns to Discuss Defying Aging. Thought this was especially relevant for my 20-year olds, and even for older fans of Nuggets, like the birthday boy - Taylor!


4:26 - Age is Just a Number. “With WHOOP, using HRV (heart rate variability) as a marker, you can bring your biological age down, bit by bit.”

15:05 - Game-Changer. “What I think is happening with wearables is you’re completely changing the face of medicine. [It’s] better than an exam. You have minute-by-minute, second-by-second data, day after day, year after year, so the doctor can say, ‘I think something is wrong here.’”

22:46 - Advice for 20-Somethings. “Don’t rest on what your birth certificate says. Now is the time in your 20s to get those lifelong patterns together. There was a runner from the distant past named George Sheehan, back in the heyday of the running movement, and he had a great quote which was, ‘First, be a good animal.  "If you feel great every day and if you live life as a great animal first, you have won.”

29:04 - How to Tackle Your 30s. “I think the 30s are where you really want to start to put together a program. You want a regular program of athletics. I would make certain to pick up some sort of life sport. One of the great tragedies I think in America is that we turn so many kids off to sport."

Here's Dr. Arnot's book:

Might be something worth reading.

Stay fit,


P.S. Dr. Arnot, who is 72, is a world-champion paddle boarder and whips people half his age all the time. Impressive stuff!