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Friday, October 29, 2010

Fit as a Fiddle Friday - Get up one more time than you fall - 11.5

This is cool from John-Roger:
"In the physical realm, one quality is attention. You need to be actively involved in your life and to pay attention to what is going on around you. At the same time, the challenge is not to get caught up in thinking that the physical level is the entire truth about yourself, for it actually represents only 10 percent of your existence, the other 90 percent being on the nonphysical realms. You also need the quality of endurance to work through and overcome any obstacles to your spiritual progression and to get up one more time than you fall." 
Pay attention and stay fit,


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Colloquial Thursday - Mind your Ps and Qs - 11.4

The phrase, mind your p's and q's appears to have originated from early printing presses. The phrase is used when asking someone to be on their best behavior or to be careful of their language. It would be an appropriate phrase to use when a bunch of college girls head out on their first road trip.

The printing press was invented by German Johannes Gutenberg in 1440. Printers placed individual letters on a typeset to print a page of text. The letters were laid out in a reversed fashion, making it easy to mistake lowercase p's and q's when setting the type. The phrase was also often used when teaching children how to write, however it is interesting that you never hear anyone say, mind your b's and d's or mind your w's and m's?

There is another suggested origin that comes from English pubs and taverns of the seventeenth century. Bartenders would keep a watch on the alcohol consumption of the patrons, keeping an eye of the pints and quarts they were drinking. So again, I thought this was a good phrase for Colloquial Thursday.

Be safe and . . .

Mind your p's and q's,


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Women Power Wednesday - Sisters Emily and Lucy - 11.3


Let's celebrate your sisters this morning. Mom went to Lucy's parent - teacher conference yesterday and learned that Lucy remains an amazing student and she is someone whom all of the teachers just love. Her report card was off the charts - straight A's. And furthermore, when talking about the upcoming Live Oak Weekend for the 5th graders, it was said that, "Emily is one of the coolest kids in high school."

I am proud of my girls!

Women power,


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stay Whole Tuesday - Courage - 11.2

"What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage!"
Cowardly Lion
from The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Stay whole and be courageous!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Make it a great Monday - One shot at a time


Emily has a school golf tournament today in Temple, TX. I asked Uncle Ricky, who has been playing a lot of golf and is a good player, what advice he would give Emily for today. He said, "One shot at a time." That is a good mantra for a round of golf. 

It is also suitable for a Monday morning. Sometimes Monday can seem quite overwhelming. The week is starting, and we have a lot to accomplish. The best way to tackle a 'to-do' list, which may feel intimidating, is the same as the best way to play a round of golf -- one shot/thing at a time. 

Some people refer to this as the power of completion. When we complete things, we gain momentum and can move to the next with purpose, power, and fulfillment.

Make it a great Monday,


Friday, October 22, 2010

Fit as a Fiddle Friday - Drawn to by conscience - 10.5

"I will tap my talents and fuel my passions, in a way that rises out of a great need in the world that you feel drawn to by conscience to meet -- for therein lies my voice, my true calling, my soul's code."

It is Fit as a Fiddle Friday and I hope you are well. Yesterday we talked about finding things you enjoy doing and ideally things that the world needs. Now we move to the fourth piece of the puzzle, the piece known as our conscience, sometimes referred to as our soul or our spirit.

I can't stress enough how powerful it is to grasp the meaning behind this sentence. Covey says your voice, your true calling, your soul's code "lies at the nexus of talent (your natural gifts and strengths), passion (those things that naturally energize, excite, motivate and inspire you), need (what the world needs enough to pay you for), and conscience (that still, small voice within, assuring you of what is right and prompting you to actually do it)."

There are four components to the model and they all need to be a part of how we live each and every day. You will know when you are moving towards your sweet spot, and you will know when you are doing things that take you away from that spot. Can you draw the model on a piece of paper? Make four circles that have a common nexus, and write the word 'voice' in the center. Then write the four capacities in each of the circles, along with words that describe you in the appropriate circle.

It is a process and the journey is part of the fun, including the difficult times. Just pay attention . . .

And stay fit,


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Colloquial Thursday - What does the world need - 10.4

"I will tap my talents and fuel my passions, in a way that rises out of a great need in the world . . ."

Once you know where your talents lie, and once you figure out what you are most passionate about, the next part of my favorite sentence from Steven Covey ask the question, what does the world need? I once learned these four questions from a career counselor, when taking a short course in Dallas that was designed to help people find their path in life:
  • What does the world need?
  • Do I have the skill to meet the need?
  • Would I value doing that?
  • Can I make a living doing that?
There are so many interesting ways to look at Covey's model on this idea that in order to move from effectiveness to greatness, we need to find our unique voice. He calls it living in your sweet spot, when your talents, passions, needs, and conscience all line up. You will know when you are there - but trust me when I tell you that there will be plenty of times in your life when you are no where close. That is part of the process.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Women Power Wednesday - My passions - 10.3

"I will tap my talents and fuel my passions . . ."

What are you passionate about? I don't think that question has to be answered at any particular time in life, but a good idea is to keep a list of the things that make you happy. Is it dancing? Is it reading? Is it counseling others? Pay attention to the times when your heart feels the best, and you will know where your passions lie.

And for Women Power Wednesday, Mother Teresa (1910-1997) said:
"Life is a challenge, meet it."
Enjoy fall and thanks for sharing about the leaves turning colors in Georgia.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stay Whole Tuesday - My talent - 10.2


Francis Ford Coppola, American film director, writer, and entrepreneur had this to say about talent.
"My talent is that I just try and try and try and try again and little by little it comes to something . . ."
It is entirely possible that successful people are simply willing to try harder and to do the little things over and over that others are just not willing to do. Remember this post from a couple of weeks ago on the subject of perseverance - Denis Waitley's ninth seed of greatness.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." -- Calvin Coolidge (30th President of the US)
Stay whole and try and try and try again,


P.S. When reading about Coppola on Wikipedia I noticed that he came into the limelight when he won an an Academy Award for co-writing the script for the movie Patton in 1970. That made me think about your Westlake Chaparrals, who always take the field to music scored for the movie Patton.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Make it a great Monday - Person of effect - 10.1


Starting the week with some final thoughts from the encouraging words provided by Brittany's dad. What does it mean to be a person of effect? He said, "One that shows others how to find happiness in the wheel of life." This reminds me of my favorite sentence from Steven Covey. The word 'voice' and 'effect' could be interchangeable.
"I will tap my talents and fuel my passions in a way that rises out of a great need in the world that I feel drawn to by conscience to meet - for therein lies my voice, my true-calling, my soul's code."
It would be so easy if we just inherently knew what this voice (or effect) was supposed to look like or to be? But I don't believe it works that way for most of us. I believe finding your voice/effect is something that is developed over time. I also believe it is developed when we take care of the four parts of our nature: our body, our mind, our heart, and our spirit. The four capacities are all covered in Covey's sentence. The words talents, passions, need, conscience; correspond to mind, heart, body, soul.

The nugget from Brittany's dad, addresses all four of the capacities as well. It covers the body (working out), the mind (work), the heart (karaoke), and the soul (beam machine).

Make it a great Monday,


Friday, October 15, 2010

Fit as a Fiddle Friday - Bad date - 9.5


I felt for you last night when your text to Mom said, "help" - not having a lot of fun on this date. Don't really know what to say, except that I hope you were safe and I hope the night ended when you were ready for it to end. Bad dates are part of being in college and throwing yourself out into the social scene. I loved what mom said back to you, "bad dates are how you learn what it is you are looking for in life." Of course, I understand that may seem a little too much at this stage of the game, and most likely all you wanted was a fun date to a party.

In the words of our favorite Aunt Dianne, and of course a famous Proverb as well: "this too shall pass".

Talk soon, and last thought for the week is . . .

Stay fit,


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Colloquial Thursday - Work - 9.4

Brittany's dad had some interesting things to say about work: "You are so different to talk to on the phone these days.  The steady work will do wonders for you.  Remember, work is just something that has to be done." I can imagine Brittany at about your same age, perhaps having one of her first jobs? I talked to Janette Hanssen last night about helping find opportunities for you in Austin this summer in the design business. She has some ideas and you might want to give her a call. Janette said that she worked for some design firms when she was in college (cataloging samples) and that it was hard work, but an important part of learning the trade. I liked what Brittany's dad said next: "So smile and don't forget you can influence so many people in this world by what you say!!!!!!  Even more than smiles I think it is your destiny to be a person of effect. One that shows others how to find happiness in the wheel of life."

Here is a great colloquialism from Thomas Edison on the subject of work:
"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Women Power Wednesday - Beam Machine - 9.3


I am glad you liked yesterday's post. Thanks for the text. I shared with Brittany and she sent me a kind reply that I will share with you via email. Her nugget from her dad was packed with all four of the key capacities that make us whole. It covered the physical (working out), the mental (work), the social (karaoke), and the spiritual (beam machine).

So I asked Brittany about the 'beam machine' and here is what she said:
"Haha…a clearing on the beam machine…well it’s basically a bench that you do step-ups on to strengthen the quads, hamstrings and glutes. My Dad was an athlete and huge into working out to, as he said “reach a higher spiritual plane”….and here I am running marathons…I am my Fathers daughter."
Tomorrow, I will have a few words to say about work . . . and then Friday I will conclude by discussing his wish for his daughter to be a person of 'effect'. I have that same wish for my girls, and I believe it will come to be in all cases.

Woman power,


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stay Whole Tuesday - Beam Machine - 9.2


My friend Christy Cook changed jobs (now with CommScope) and a young woman by the name of Brittany Hoeft took her place at TFE. You would like Brittany for the same reasons you like Christy. She is smart, ambitious, focused, attractive, and fashion oriented. I recently shared with Brittany that I send you a message every morning and she (in return) shared that her father often wrote to her when she was away at college. Unfortunately, Brittany's father died during or shortly after her first year of college. She told me that she saved many of his notes and I asked her to share one with me. This is what Brittany sent me yesterday and I post it today on Stay Whole Tuesday, to celebrate the relationship Brittany had with her father. There is much to reflect on in his message below, including the answer to the question I had for Brittany, "What in the world is a beam machine and how do you 'clear'?"

Hey You, So glad you like Norah Jones, she has a real talent to express her feelings through her work or art. Come to think of it, you have been practicing your singing for the karaoke date, right?  When you come by manana, bring so gym clothes, I want to put you through a 25 minute workout so you can learn a cheap way to exercise and breath for reaching a higher spiritual plane, and we will also do a clearing on the beam machine.  You are so different to talk to on the phone these days.  The steady work will do wonders for you.  Remember, work is just something that has to be done.  So smile and don't forget you can influence so many people in this world by what you say!!!!!!  Even more than smiles I think it is your destiny to be a person of effect. One that shows others how to find happiness in the wheel of life.
By the way, mi ermosa mujeres........ Spanish for my beautiful women.
Stay whole . . . stay tuned,


Monday, October 11, 2010

Make it a great Monday - Trifecta - 9.1

Hey Sally,

Georgia won . . . Carolina won . . . Westlake won - first time all season all three of my teams were victorious. That made for a nice weekend.

Also, I loved taking Lucy to see Secretariat - the inspiring story of the 1973 Triple Crown winner. I hope all of my girls will see it and soak up the powerful message the film delivers about love and standing up for what you believe you can do.

Make it a great Monday,


Friday, October 8, 2010

Fit as a Fiddle Friday - Plow a field - 8.5


There is an Irish proverb I like that goes like this:
"You'll never plow a field turning it over in your mind."
The next time you set a fitness goal, and then you think about not doing the work, remember this proverb.

Stay fit,


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Colloquial Thursday - Love thy neighbor - 8.4

Hey Sally . . . How about the phrase, "Love thy neighbor"? A little Internet research points to Jesus's answer when the Pharisees, the chief religious sect of that day, asked Him about the greatest commandment in the Law. See Matthew 22:36-40. The following quote from John-Roger speaks to this universal law:
"When spiritual love is expressed between people, the greatest commandment that has been placed on the planet is being fulfilled. This commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy mind and with all thy Soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. God resides in everyone. So as you love the least one and the greatest one equally, you are fulfilling God's commandment to love Him." - John-Roger 
I like that,


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Women Power Wednesday - Action - 8.3


I saw this quote recently and thought it would be good for Women Power Wednesday. It is from the English pioneer of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale:
"One's feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results." -- Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
I think this is kin to the often used line, "talk is cheapor how about, "talk the talk and walk the walkor how about Benjamin Franklin, who coined the phrase, "well done is better than well said".

Women power,


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stay Whole Tuesday - Ten Seeds of Greatness - 8.2


Before we move on from Denis Waitley and the Ten Seeds of Greatness, I am curious how many of the seeds you could remember if you closed your eyes right now and tried to list them? I thought it might be fun to learn a sentence where the first word of each "key" word represented one of the seeds. I believe that falls under the definition of an acrostic. So try this on for size, but feel free to come up with your own ideas:
"Sally can really win people (by) communicating (her) faith, (her) adaptability, (her) perseverance and (with) perspective."
If you can remember that simple sentence, then you will always remember the Ten Seeds of Greatness!

1. Self Esteem
2. Creativity
3. Responsibility
4. Wisdom 
5. Purpose
6. Communication
7. Faith
8. Adaptability
9. Perseverance
10. Perspective

Stay whole,


Monday, October 4, 2010

Make it a great Monday - Perspective - 8.1

Good week Sally,

We have made it to number ten, in our brief study of Denis Waitley's, Ten Seeds of Greatness. The tenth seed is perspective. Perspective is how you see your life from within. Waitley says, "Life is not a treasure hunt, the treasure is within you. It only has to be discovered." We live in a society where all too often we try to collect life and buy happiness. Life can not be collected. Happiness can not be traveled to or owned or worn or earned. Happiness is the experience of living every moment with love, grace, and gratitude.

When you see your life from within, you see wisdom, purpose, and faith as the cornerstones to your foundation. You see through the eyes of love and you reach out and touch everyone. Seeing from within is having the courage to adapt and change, to persevere when the odds seem overwhelming but you know you are right.

The seeds of greatness are within you!

Make it a great Monday,


1. Self Esteem
2. Creativity
3. Responsibility
4. Wisdom 
5. Purpose
6. Communication
7. Faith
8. Adaptability
9. Perseverance
10. Perspective

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fit as a Fiddle Friday - Perseverance - 7.5


The ninth Seed of Greatness, from Denis Waitley, is perseverance. This famous quote from Calvin Coolidge says it all:
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." -- Calvin Coolidge (30th President of the US)
Press on and stay fit,


1. Self Esteem
2. Creativity
3. Responsibility
4. Wisdom 
5. Purpose
6. Communication
7. Faith
8. Adaptability
9. Perseverance