"I will tap my talents and fuel my passions, in a way that rises out of a great need in the world that you feel drawn to by conscience to meet -- for therein lies my voice, my true calling, my soul's code."Sally,
It is Fit as a Fiddle Friday and I hope you are well. Yesterday we talked about finding things you enjoy doing and ideally things that the world needs. Now we move to the fourth piece of the puzzle, the piece known as our conscience, sometimes referred to as our soul or our spirit.
I can't stress enough how powerful it is to grasp the meaning behind this sentence. Covey says your voice, your true calling, your soul's code "lies at the nexus of talent (your natural gifts and strengths), passion (those things that naturally energize, excite, motivate and inspire you), need (what the world needs enough to pay you for), and conscience (that still, small voice within, assuring you of what is right and prompting you to actually do it)."
There are four components to the model and they all need to be a part of how we live each and every day. You will know when you are moving towards your sweet spot, and you will know when you are doing things that take you away from that spot. Can you draw the model on a piece of paper? Make four circles that have a common nexus, and write the word 'voice' in the center. Then write the four capacities in each of the circles, along with words that describe you in the appropriate circle.
It is a process and the journey is part of the fun, including the difficult times. Just pay attention . . .
And stay fit,