Kaputa says, "In self-branding, you are looking for the sweet spot: the intersection of a good idea and a market need that you can satisfy." She stresses the importance of trusting your instincts, as much as analyzing the facts in the marketplace. She wants you to tap into your intuition and move towards those things that most excite you. Find those things you love to do, and let others know that you are good at those things.
Think about this line from William Shakespeare's King Henry V (II, 4):
Self-love my liege is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.And remember, if you take a course that you don't enjoy, then you are one step closer to finding those things that you do enjoy.
Make it a great Monday,
1. Celebrate yourself and your uniqueness: Do a self-brand audit.
2. Keep tabs on the big picture: Do a SWOT analysis.
3. Don't avoid the competition: Go to school on your competition.
4. Find the sweet spot: Focus on the right strategy for achieving your goals.