Celebrating you (Sally Singletary) today on Women Power Wednesday, because you are coming home! Please travel safe and look for some self-branding examples when amongst the great masses of humanity in the airports. I will continue my study of Kaputa's book for a few more posts and then shut the nuggets down for the holidays.
So far, this is what we have reviewed from the book's list of 'Top 10 Self-Branding Actions':
1. Celebrate yourself and your uniqueness: Do a self-brand audit.
2. Keep tabs on the big picture: Do a SWOT analysis.
3. Don't avoid the competition: Go to school on your competition.
4. Find the sweet spot: Focus on the right strategy for achieving your goals.
5. Harness the power of self-presentation: Learn the principles of visual identity.
The next self-branding action, number 6, is called: Tap into the power of words: Learn the principles of verbal identity. More on this tomorrow.
Women power,