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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stay Whole Tuesday - Back to Branding - 19.2


As the semester officially kicks into gear, let's move back to our study of Katherine Kaputa's book, You are a Brand! To get us back on track, I will use the rest of this week to review some of the key points we looked at before the break. Today, please reread my executive summary of Chapter One from my post on December 2, 2010.
The summary of the summary goes like this. This book is about helping you develop an effective self-branding strategy that works in achieving professional and life goals but also is true to you - that brings more of you into the equation. Have you ever met someone and just asked them, "So what are YOU all about?" "What makes you, you?" "What makes you tick?" "Come on, give me something unique?" These are important questions.
Stay whole,
