Yesterday we looked at rule of thumb number 1 (of 6): Prioritize Your Target Market. Today, let's look at rule of thumb number 2: Create Loyal Customers and rule of thumb number 3: Develop a Clear Value Proposition.
Kaputa says, "To build a community of loyal customers for the brand You, you must understand what makes the people you are targeting tick." So what makes my primary target market (executives in the educational technology market) tick? I believe they are looking for creative sales leaders, who can both sell products or services to schools; and also motivate or inspire others to sell products or services to schools.
What about a clear value proposition? It's Women Power Wednesday, so check out this really cool chic, Danielle Laporte, and read how she has built her self-brand. I love the look and feel of her Website and I also love the unique name (whitehot truth) and her tag line, 'Because self realization rocks.'
Powerful stuff,