Thanks for sharing your 2012 goals. I like your approach with a simple list that covers important topics across different aspects of your life. You have goals for your mind (like read more books), goals for your heart (like be a good friend), goals for your body (like eat healthy) and goals for your soul (like pray often). I hope you will post your list somewhere where you will see it every day and read it often.
There are many different approaches to successful goal setting and I think it is really a matter of personal taste as to which approach you take. One thing however that is common to all approaches is to differentiate 'goals' from 'rituals'. A goal is something that is measurable, specific and time bound. It is usually best if goals are written in short sentences. Something like, "I will read five new books in 2012 starting with The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck." Or, "I will save $50 a week between now and spring break in order to save $400 for my trip."
Rituals, on the other hand, are best described as habits for daily living. Examples of rituals would be things like: pray often, eat healthy, be thankful, and exercise.
I think you will find that by taking the time to set written, specific goals and by also writing down your desired 'rituals' you will achieve far more in life than those who do not take the time to do so. Of course, as I get older I realize that there is also nothing wrong with some open time in your life to just 'be' and not 'do' and I think that is important as well. A healthy balance between driving towards goals and achievements, while leaving open time to see what surprises life will bring.
We loved having you home for the break and treasure so much now the times when all of our children are together. Thanks for being our daughter!
Blessings for 2012,