Do you know what the street address of her house was? Do you know how many kids were in her high school graduating class? Probably not, because those are just facts - left brain stuff with little or no context.
Pink says:
Story is just as integral to the human experience as design. Think about that loincloth-draped prehistoric guy - the one who scraped flint against a rock and became a designer. When evening fell and he and his buddies returned home, they probably sat around the campfire trading tales about escaping saber-toothed tigers or renovating the family cave. His brain, like ours, had an internal "story grammar" that helped him understand the world not as a set of logical propositions but as a pattern of experiences. He explained himself and connected to others through stories . . .
And now we live in a world where we can find facts and data instantly. It was not always so easy to 'Google' something and find the answer within seconds . . .
So this makes it even more important that you become a good story teller. When facts become so widely available and instantly accessible, each one becomes less valuable. What begins to matter more is the ability to place these facts in context and to deliver them with emotional impact.Sally, think about this in terms of your upcoming interviews for internships. What makes for a good interview. Spewing off a bunch of data about what kind of grades you made in your classes. Or telling a good story, about how you are using your course work and your real world experience to become a talented designer?