What a great find in Fredericksburg! |
Cathy and I had a chance to spend a few days in Fredericksburg recently enjoying the Hill Country. For sometime now, we have been looking for a way to improve the appearance to our driveway entrance. Easy Street is so special and unique and we want to contribute to that uniqueness. If you can open the attached photo you will see a tin sculpture of a Mariachi Band, which we were so excited to find in Fredericksburg. We have made our final payment on the sculpture and it will be arriving by truck later this afternoon.
Cathy's late father, Ret. General O.C. Malcom played the trumpet in a Mariachi Band in Macon, GA for many years when Cathy was growing up. This morning we were talking and it doesn't seem fair that we would be the only ones to see the Mariachi Band on a daily basis, so we wanted to suggest that we position it just behind the Easy Street sign. I wanted to just surprise everyone, but Cathy felt we should write and let you know what we are doing.
This will be our contribution to the street (as the newest residents) but if Chip would let us run an extension cord from his porch and if everyone wants to contribute, I will hook up some speakers so that we can add some audio on holidays and special occasions!
Page and Cathy