I’m just a growing boy from Oklahoma
Happy 87th to our favorite neighbor - Jim Herdon
A birthday ditty [Modified on May 11, 2022 for celebration of life]
A birthday ditty [Modified on May 11, 2022 for celebration of life]
Well, smell
I remember when
I started these things
like this . . .
Lordy, Lordy
Look whose forty
Feeling good
And rather sporty
And then those ten years
They flew by
Like a blink of an eye
and we said . . .
Nifty, nifty
My friends, they are all
turning fifty
Some are thrifty
And some are shifty
But what in the hell
Is going on now
Some of my buddies are
tuning sixty
And a few others I know
They are pushing
the big seven - o
But this is even more amazing
All guns a-blazin'
Cause my favorite neighbor
His head is shiny
And he’s damn near ninety!
Actually, it is officially eighty-seven
But he’s not ready for heaven
Because like the Grand Canyon in Arizona
“I’m just a growing boy from Oklahoma!”
We found our way
To 3901 A
Back in November of 2016
And my good friend Doug Duke
Double D
He tells me
there might be
Some serendipity
And sure enough
Low and behold
In 3901 B
On the other side of the brick wall
Lives a gal named Mikey
Amongst the very tall
Just one of those times
Like a beautiful rhyme
When the sun and the moon and the stars
All aligned
Page and Cathy and our three
Lucy, Emily, and Sal
We all quickly found out
That the Herndons
Were great pals!
You need something fixed
Something in need of repair
Jim has got just the flair
For that kind of care
Fridge not working
He knows the man
Grass not growing
He’s got a plan
Out of space
When companies arriving
Mikey and Jim's Bed & Breakfast
It is a thriving!
Toilet backed up
Nothings too tough
He’s got the plunger and the snake
And the hoe and the rake
And that particular situation
Is NOT for a fake!
Cause, “I’m just a growing boy from Oklahoma!”
If you think you are having a bad day
Stop by Jim’s on your way
And he will remind you
of this simple fact
“Was anybody shooting at you?”
No, not really
Then button it up
and stop acting silly
“Do the BIG boys get to go first?”
Is another good line
Or what about the time
When the freezer was empty
“If you are out of ice cream
You are literally
Out of groceries!”
31 years of military duty
A proud warrior
And married a beauty
Met Mikey in Stuttgart, Germany
Met Mikey in Stuttgart, Germany
And knew she was special
Right out of the gate
I can only imagine
On that first date . . .
“I’m just a growing boy from Oklahoma!”
Married in the Ludwigsburg Castle
Not too much of a hassle
It has been 44 years
The test of time has stood
And it was our good fortune
To land in their hood
So now we bid you adieu.
Our growing boy who knew
So much about this thing
Called life
How to live through
Trials and strife
Thank you, Jim
For just being you
“Just a growing boy from Oklahoma!”