I thought your first Woman Power Wednesday should celebrate special Chi Omegas. Hoot hoot! Like Mikey Hendon and Sally Singletary and hoot that in the middle? The most special woman I know of course, though not a Chi O.
And how about cousin Molly (McDowell) Oakey and cousin Emily Fuller. Those are two special cousins! Also Lori Bolding right here in ATX. And what about all of Sally's friends from college. Some strong and powerful gals in that bunch, right! And T's mom (Emily) and sister (KP)! And all four of the Rodge and Tracy Anderson girls! And I am sure there are many more.
And let's not forget honorary Chi O, big sister Emily. I love this picture.
And here's a fun link about some of your other Chi O sisters. Wow, Harper Lee author of To Kill a Mockingbird. Or how about Beth Moore, famous Christian author and founder of Living Proof Ministries. Lots of others too!
Love you Lucy,