Here's a story for you. Last Monday night your mom, Aunt Cindy and Aunt Susan made the decision to fly to Jacksonville, rent an SUV, and drive into Mexico Beach, FL (ground zero) to help Uncle Chip and Aunt Caroline after Hurricane Michael completely destroyed their homes and community. They did this even though the media and everyone were saying that you were not allowed to drive into the storm damaged area. But off they went!
Not only were they able to drive into the area with a Tahoe full of supplies (gas, plastic bins, WD-40, masking tape, electrical tape, duck tape, tarps, Clorox and other cleaning supplies) but they spent five days helping their siblings. They ribbed up floors and baseboards, discarded water damaged items, saved water damaged items, cut down and moved trees, repaired windows, tarped roofs, swept up glass, washed clothes and provided much needed moral support.
This is a great example of the fortitude, the love, and the steadfast commitment to family that is a part of your very being.
Make it a Great Monday,