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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Alive Time Challenge - Ryan Holiday

Hey family,

Anyone want to join me on a Ryan Holiday 14 day Alive Time Challenge: Resilience, Productivity and Service in the Time of Coronavirus? 

Here's the summary from the link:
  • There are two types of time: alive time and dead time. 
  • Given excess time, most people elect to ‘kill it’ by watching Netflix, mindlessly scrolling on their phone or complaining about being bored. That’s dead time.
  • Of course, it doesn’t have to be that way. We can also use excess time to learn and improve. To invest in ourselves. Learn new skills. This is alive time. 
  • Making the best out of every spare moment of time instead of wasting it or killing it. 
  • This is a choice we face regularly…but it is even more pressing to us today. 
  • COVID-19 is here and right now you, and most of the world, are on lockdown. We do not have control over that fact. We may not be able to control many of our circumstances as you read this, but we can always seize the moment. How we decide to react to this event, how we decide to use this time, determines who we are as people. It determines what this tragic outbreak will mean for us. 
It starts Monday, March 30th. Cost is $25 with $5 dollars donated to Feeding America

Why not?

Stay whole,
