Please be safe on your journey back to Texas today.
Here's a good LinkedIn post from a favorite colleague, Sigrid Bayer, out of Germany:
"Is there something positive about the #coronavirus? Not sure how everybody is feeling, but watching news, reading articles and newspapers gets depressing, however at #LinkedIn it feels like there is still tons of good news and great things to watch. Who are the winners? The earth, sustainability, less emissions, re-think travel, families and friends who really talk to each other (schools are closed, working from home), shopping at the local farmer, cooking vegetables (sorry the local shops run out of pasta), start producing basic things in your own country again, pay for value? What are your positive thoughts currently?"My comment: "Great post Sigrid. I'm looking for the lemonade out of lemons right along with you. While concerned for the elderly and the sick, who stand to suffer the most, my greatest hope is that we all rise to the challenge and find ways to turn this situation into a positive. I recently read (Austin's own) Ryan Holiday's 'The Obstacle is the Way' - a great book for times like this. Subtitle: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph. Check it out if not familiar; plus Holiday's latest: 'Stillness is the Key' which carries many of the same themes through on the importance of learning to be 'still' in this busy world. We got this!"
And lastly, this in from Kyle on Hoot Hoot: