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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Monday, March 7, 2022

Make it a Great Monday: OUT THERE

Dear youngest,

Lucy May Singletary
My little visionary
Not at all ordinary
I have a precautionary

for you
And I shall
Tell it like this

Like many others
My sisters, my brothers
I had not a clue
How to ever eschew

This frustration
Of being in isolation
Covid insulation

We’ve all been stuck
In this muck
Yuck, Yuck, Yuck

Any golf shrink
Teaches you to think
The game is played

That holds true
Through and through
When your game is

It too,
is played

Not in your head
Not in your bed
Not something you’ve read

You've got to get

Zoom call
my ass
I’d be happy
If it was my last

It is time
To climb
Back on
the proverbial horse

Get out on the course
No more remorse
Let me reinforce
The game is played

And away, I went
Back on the scent
With a British accent

I won't lament
About what it meant
Nor will I vent
About another event

One Team
Like living a dream
the Music City
Get pretty
Get gritty
Get witty
It’s a
gPage ditty

A world gone silly
A little chilly
Saw Dolly and Jack
But not Willie

This too shall pass
Covid KICKED our ass
Superpowers invade
We all feel betrayed

My head is spinning
The world is winning
Back in the game
Never the same

But let’s stay positive
It’s our prerogative
You got to stay whole
Deep in your soul

Colleagues and friends
It just depends
Where the road bends
How it all ends

What is your superpower?
Building a balloon tower
Habits at work
Don’t be a jerk

What a day
Lucy May
It is the right way
to play