A cricket match is played between two teams of eleven players on an oval-shaped grass field. In the centre of the field is a strip of hardened turf 22 yards (20.12 m) long, called a cricket pitch. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be doing a weighted walk around the oval shape of a cricket field, but that has been my Tuesday mornings (of late) in Richmond at Old Deer Park. Tuesday is the day we do barbells at BARCH Richmond: Our gym in the UK. The barbells are not great for this aging body, so I opt for the outdoor beauty of walking the park.
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Friday, April 29, 2022
FaaFF: Weighted walking around a cricket 'pitch'
It is, by the way, the second most-watched sport in the world, according a quick and unverified Google search:
Top 10 Most Viewed Sports: 10 - NFL, 9 - Basketball, 8 - Golf, 7 - Baseball, 6 - Table Tennis, 5 - Volleyball, 4 - Tennis, 3 - Field Hockey, 2 - Cricket, 1 - Football (ie. soccer.)
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