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Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Friday, October 9, 2020

Oscillate, as in Oscillating Dynamic Variable Resistance

Howdy Lucy,

Yesterday, on Anything Goes, we talked Pareto Principle (80-20) and how Richard Koch wrote THE book on the 80-20 rule, extending it beyond the well-known business application and into life, happiness, and success.

One of my favorite words is 'oscillate'. You've heard me use it for years when discussing the importance of learning to 'oscillate' in and out of our four capacities - mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Life is best lived when one learns the art of oscillation, along with the importance of proper stress or stretching ourselves in each area, so we learn and grow. To me, this is what makes life so fun!

Since today is Fit as a Fiddle Friday, I offer Mike Romatowski's Ten Golden Rules of Speed Training. And this fun string of words: oscillating dynamic variable resistance.

By-the-way, that is my friend Jeff Young on the left above, who was Romatowski's first student when he moved his Mach-3 Speed Training gym to San Antonio. Jeff, a scratch golfer, now travels the US teaching classes on Mach-3 Speed Training.

Happy Friday,
