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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Dear Harvey: Life is long if you know how to use it

Good morning Lucy. I'm trying something new on this 'Anything Goes' Thursday. I'm writing Harvey Penick, one of the wisest individuals to ever grace our community. 

Dear Harvey,

I've meant to write to you. 

Our golf course has been closed for overseeding, so I miss my evening 9-hole walks with your good friend and legend-in-his-own-right, Roane Puett

I've been studying the 80-20 rule through Richard Koch, along with Seneca's On the Shortness of Life: Life Is Long If You Know How to Use It. These two are akin to each other and in alignment with the way you taught. Learn what will help you the most, and don't waste time on the other stuff.

Your friend, and top-pupil, Tom Kite, has been kind to me at Train 4 The Game, helping me understand things he learned from you years ago. Tom and I recently worked on 'deceleration,' a term I found a bit odd for golf, but now I understand.

Recently, I've been into something called 'Oscillating Dynamic Variable Resistance' and Mike Romatowski's concepts at Mach 3 Speed Training. Romatowski has a lot to say about men 50 years of age and up who think they can no longer gain clubhead speed. He also likes to focus on women's collegiate golfers and how they often overtrain, leading to fatigue and injury. These topics interest me and tie back to the 80-20 principle, as I seek to get the most 'gain' out of my time in the gym.

I hope you have good WiFi up there because I have shared some fun links.

See you at the club,
