As you know, we zipped over to Cape San Blas this weekend, and the WiFi is solid; the view from 'my back porch office' is rather nice, and the sunsets are remarkable.
At the end of the McConaughey podcast, which I listened to a couple of times last week, Tim Ferris asks Matthew his standard question. "So if you were to have a billboard metaphorically speaking to get a message, a question, an image, anything out to billions of people, could have a paragraph, could be a word, anything non-commercial, what might you put on that billboard?"
McConaughey: 'I value?'
"It seems that the common denominator, or the bipartisan non-denominational solid stepping stones for us to evolve as a species, as a nation, and as individuals, is based on values. The fundamental principles that we can all agree on, I don’t care what side of politics you’re on, or what religion you are, is what do we value?"
What do we really value? We all want to be relevant. Well, let’s ask, “Relevant for what?"
Make it a great Monday,