With line-of-sight on eight generations of working professionals, I'm studying what it takes to maintain 'relevance' and find your 'voice' throughout your career and your life. Put another way, what does purposeful-work look like in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and so forth, allowing unique individuals to do amazing work well into their 9th and even 10th decade of life!
Taylor's grandfather Jimmy Chapman (82), is a great example. The photo is Jimmy talking to your sister Sally about architecture projects in his Atlanta office. (See Jimmy's crowning achievement: 'I'm so proud I'm about to pop.')
I recently encouraged Sally and Taylor to interview Jimmy, before they left for London for the next three years. The interview is remarkable, and I am certain it will be treasured. Today, on Fit as a Fiddle Friday, listen to Jimmy's response to this question:
What life hacks or habits do you consider the most important that have allowed you to stay healthy and maintain high-energy for so many years?
Five takeaways:
- Infused with a love of movement and physical activity at an early age
- The importance of 'energy' and 'discipline' when you need to spend long hours at your craft
- Variety and diversification of exercise throughout life
- Develop habits that involve fitness
- Have a 'place to go', surround yourself with like-minded individuals
Great stuff, LuLu.
Stay fit,