NUGGETS FROM DAD began in the fall of 2010 when our oldest daughter left for college. (Make it a Great Monday; Stay Whole Tuesday; Woman Power Wednesday; Make Anything Thursday; and Fit as a Fiddle Friday.) | IF YOU LANDED HERE FROM GPAGESINGLETARY.COM, LINKS NEED TO BE FIXED IN THE BLOG POSTS PORTED TO THE NEW SITE. TYPE WWW.GPAGESINGLETARY.COM IN YOUR BROWSER TO RETURN, OR SEE THE LINK BELOW.
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Monday, September 30, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
Week 5
Tonight: Undefeated Chaps host Lehman
Saturday Games
Texas A&M v Arkansas in Dallas @ 11AM
Tar Heels host Clemson (oh boy!) @ 2:30PM
Cornell @ Yale @1PM
Horns and Dawgs are resting
Lucy and her buds are headed to Dallas for the game. Safe travels little Lu. We love you!
Saturday Games
Texas A&M v Arkansas in Dallas @ 11AM
Tar Heels host Clemson (oh boy!) @ 2:30PM
Cornell @ Yale @1PM
Horns and Dawgs are resting
Lucy and her buds are headed to Dallas for the game. Safe travels little Lu. We love you!
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
2 for G on a BIG Birthday - Thank you family!
1. One of Page's best qualities is how he takes the time to make family and friends feel special. He takes notice of what people enjoy and does thoughtful things for them, like sharing a special book, writing a diddy, or just telling them how much he appreciates them and how unique they are. I am proud to be his wife and associated with such a kind man.
2. I love how much Page loves, treasures, and honors his family. He is the best husband and father any of his girls could have asked for. He makes us SHINE and helps us achieve our greatest dreams.
1. I love how Dad has lived these past 60 years setting an example of balance for all of us and encouraged us all to strive to do the same. He lives consciously and thoughtfully - and will always be my role model. He juggles work, exercise, faith, parenting, being a great husband and friend gracefully. He encourages everyone around him to be better and do better. He has taught us all some pretty incredible lessons to carry through life - refer to 'daughter diddy' of 2019 for more specifics.
2. I love how Dad has always put his family first. We are the luckiest girls in the world to have G Page as our dad! He embraces whatever stage of life we are in and helps think of creative ways to problem solve and reach our goals. He works hard to keep us current with the blog, celebrates our accomplishments, and is never too busy to edit a resume or e-mail. Who knows where we would all be without his guidance and love. I can't wait to see what G does in the next 60 years!
1. G sets an example of how to age well. On a milestone birthday, he continues to do more than just 'stay relevant'. I admire that he gets up early every day for a head start, and keeps himself in great shape.
2. I admire FIL's wisdom. I am glad to have family to seek advice and learn from. Sal and I are fortunate for his leadership and example.
1. I love being a daughter of G. Page! I love that Dad is always positive and has the best outlook on life. He loves to connect with anyone and everything and help people in any way he can. Dad is the best guide and mentor and I am lucky he is my golfing partner!
2. I love how Dad does and has always prioritized quality time for each of his four girls! He keeps us all grounded and responsible. He has a lot of wild ladies surrounding him and keeps cool and leads the pack. He is the coolest 60 year old I know!
1. I love how Dad is the world's greatest sports fan! His loyalty and dedication to his Tar Heels and all other teams (except for Duke) has been one of my favorite parts of my childhood. I also think it has been great training so he can be his daughter's biggest fans in life! You are so amazing at being on our team daddy, we love you!
2. Dad is one of the most patient men I have ever met in my life. I love how he has instilled this value into each of us and knows how to keep the peace in the Singletary household (even when we use his credit card) - THANK YOU DAD for teaching us the value of waiting patiently, loving well, and letting the game come to us!! I love you!!
Friday, September 20, 2019
All roads point towards a great football weekend!
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Happy Anniversary Catherine Singletary - Stay whole (Tue) and stay FUN!
Thirty-one reasons I love you as much today as I did on September 17, 1988:
1. You are fun
2. You made three amazing baby girls
3. You are fun
4. You turned those babies into amazing young women
5. You are fun
6. You are a great cook
7. You are fun
8. You work hard
9. You are fun
10. You play hard
11. You are fun
12. You are smart
13. You are fun
14. You keep things in proper perspective
15. You are fun
16. You throw awesome parties
17. You are fun
18. You are a great story-teller
19. You are fun
20. Your stories get better with age
21. You are fun
22. You know how to be a true friend
23. You are fun
24. You prescribe to healthy-living
25. You are fun
26. You play golf and tennis with me
27. You are fun
28. You poke the bear (sometimes)
29. You are fun
30. You are my one of kind life-companion
31. You are fun
32. CATE! (Sept 17, 2020)
Monday, September 16, 2019
Breckenridge troll - Isak
Hey Lucy,
Sharing a fun group shot in Breckenridge, in front of this large wooden troll, known as Isak. Originally located near a neighborhood, Isak created too much traffic. Danish artist Thomas Dambo rebuilt Isak, keeping the original head, heart, hands and feet; but giving him a new pose, now near the town of Breckenridge.
And here's a little poem I wrote to celebrate the occasion of our friends being together, called Good to Have Friends in High Places . . .
I’m your designated driver
Your ditty provider
A bit of a contriver
And dang near sixty
My friend Rodge
He’s right there with me
He too has made it
A decade past fifty
The odds were long
That he’d be going strong
But thanks to the 'Govvy'
He’s still her hubby
As he likes to say,
"gPage . . .
those 10 years went by fast"
But long last
What a blast
And Sally Welch
She’s right there too
Living the dream
And still being seen
What a lady, that Sally
Never one to dally
She’s on a peak
Not in a valley
So, let’s raise a glass
To this new class
Who have turned the corner
And soldier onward ....
But this ditty,
gets more witty
Cause I named it
Birthdays with friends
in high places
So, buckle your laces
Clean your braces
Contort your faces
It's good to have friends
in high places
With wide open spaces
Beyond the rat races
It's good to have friends
like Jeff and Gail
A nice cold ale
Or a strong, strong cocktail
The steaks are large
Jeff’s no longer in charge
And looking less tired
It's good to have friends
like Ann and Clay
Robert and Trey
Who won't let you pay
You get a room with a bed
Well fed
Keys to an Expedition
The best of conditions
I did not forget you
Miss Kendall,
all graduated
And we know infatuated
With all your parents’ peeps
It's good to have friends
Who want to share their Breck
Not a single speck
Of a cloud
When it’s one hundred and ten
For days on end
Damn it’s nice
To have a little slice
Of heaven
At a time in life
When we are empty nesters
Isn’t it fun?
to be wine testers?
We can bike
We can hike
And did I tell you about
That tee shot so stout
From the top of the world
That ball like
a well-struck spheroid
Completely devoid
Of anything other than
The pure beauty
Of a game I love
And just when you think
You might win a little dough
Gail’s sinking putts
Like some kind of pro
this is what I know
When it’s time to go
We will all say
What a great show
Cause it sure is
good to have birthdays
with friends in high places
Breckenridge Sept. 2019
Tracy and Rodger Anderson
Gail and Jeff King
Tracey and Greg Petersen
Cathy and Page Singletary
Ann and Clay Slack
Sally and Tom Welch
Make it a great Monday,
Friday, September 13, 2019
Hello from 'Fit as a Fiddle' Colorado
Mom hiking, Dad playing golf. Life is good. Stay fit.
UNC at Wake (Friday, 5PM CT)
Akins at Westlake (Friday, 7:30PM CT)
Saturday Games
Arkansas State at Georgia (1PM CT)
Army at UTSA (2:30PM CT)
Lamar at Texas A&M (7:00PM CT)
Texas at Rice (7:00PM CT)
Ivy opens next week.
Love you all!
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Food for thought - Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Post 2)
"It is proposed that happiness be classified as a psychiatric disorder and be included in future editions of the major diagnostic manuals under the new name: major affective disorder, pleasant type. In a review of the relevant literature it is shown that happiness is statistically abnormal, consists of a discrete cluster of symptoms, is associated with a range of cognitive abnormalities, and probably reflects the abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. One possible objection to this proposal remains–that happiness is not negatively valued. However, this objection is dismissed as scientifically irrelevant." -- Richard Bentall, Journal of Medical Ethics, 1992
Ummmm . . . Interesting proposal. Reminds me of a few random things.
The phrase 'Happiness is a choice' comes to mind, which appears to be first credited to a Greek dude named Aeschylus, who was a playwriter focusing on tragedy. (He was known as a tragedian.)
One of my favorite motivational sales trainers, Jim Rohn, said, "Happiness is not by chance, but by choice." Rohn is considered by many to be the father of motivational speaking and life coaching.
Whether happiness is a psychiatric disorder or not, I am glad I always have been able to choose happiness, and so has Cathy. We have talked about this often during our nearly 31 years of marriage, and we both believe in the power of the mind and our power to choose. However, I certainly recognize that everybody walks on a different and unique path, and for many people, simply choosing to be happy is not a slam dunk.
When we are struggling, talking to someone (who is objective and unattached) can really help.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
"I’m a card-carrying member of the human race." - Stay whole family!
Cousin Beth Smith has done it again. Another interesting and thought-provoking book recommendation, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb. Learn more about Gottlieb here. I'm just a couple chapters in and I'm hooked, but you know I am a big believer in psychotherapy, when and if you can find the right person. I'm sending a copy to Sally and Taylor and will pick up a couple of extras for our Austin and College Station peeps.
I'll share some thoughts as I read on, and am excited to discuss with Mom; although she seemed a bit irritated with me last night when she read the first chapter and didn't understand why I underlined a particular sentence. I have to admit, when I re-read the sentence it did seem a little weird, but it was in the context of quite a bit of other stuff . . .
"So while the image of me with mascara running down my tear-streaked face between sessions may be uncomfortable to contemplate, that's where this story about the handful of struggling humans you are about to meet begins - with my own humanity."I'll leave that alone for now, and close with these two quotes, in the front-matter section of the book, from Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung:
"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls."
"Who looks inside, awakes."
Monday, September 9, 2019
Tar Heels are 2-0! Make it a Great Monday Team
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Game face on before kickoff | Susan and Dana's ranch in the background |
I had my game face on at Susan's 50th birthday celebration. Photo above is overlooking Susan and Dana's ranch, from their neighbor's property. They have really done a lot to the place since our last visit.
Tar Heels with a big week two win against the best 0-2 team in the country, Miami. Heels turn around and play again on Friday night at Wake Forest, both teams are 2-0. Army and Texas came up short. Those were probably the best three games of the day. Dawgs rolled Murray State and the Chaps looked good as well in Houston.
Mom and I leave for Colorado on Wednesday afternoon, where we will celebrate 31 years of marriage. Woohoo!
P.S. We got a great book recommendation from Beth and Kevin Smith, called Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. Mom and I have it and plan to read and annotate together. I'll try to post some nuggets from the book over the next stretch, starting with Stay Whole Tuesday tomorrow.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Lucy's summer - Surfing the Nations recap
Special Nugget here. I hope everyone has a chance to check out Lucy's updated Website, blog and photos from her summer with Surfing the Nations. Be sure to click on the photos link as well as the blog posts. I enjoyed reading all of Lucy's adventures and thoughts, and looking at the pictures. I loved her friend Ben's graduation poem as well. I continue to pray for Lucy's transition back to college-life at A&M, and for what is next as she continues to prosper and grow in her faith. Great job Lucy!
Fit as a Fiddle Friday - Lucy to retreat and big games this weekend
Good luck Lucy at your YoungLife retreat in Dripping Springs!
Here's the high school and college game times for the weekend:
- Chaps at Cypress Ranch (7PM CT Friday on Chap App)
- Army at Michigan (11:00AM CT on FOX)
- Texas A&M at Clemson (2:30PM CT on ABC)
- Murray State at Georgia (3:00PM CT on ESPN2)
- LSU at Texas (6:30PM CT on ABC)
- Miami at UNC (7:00PM CT on ACCN)
Mom and I are off to Susan and Dana's farm tomorrow for Susan's 50th birthday party. Hoping for some good televisions, strong WiFi, and maybe a little coffee on Sunday morning!
Love you all,
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
50th Anniversary Season - Go Chaps and Stay Whole!
Getting the low down from Coach Dodge at Chap QB Club breakfast this morning. This year is 50th Anniversary of Westlake Football. Sounds like we had a very strong performance on week one (48-0 win versus Belton.) Next week on the road against Cypress Ranch in Houston. Kyle will like this from Coach when discussing the kicking game. "I'm not going to tell you the name of our new long-snapper, who played in his first varsity game. I hope I never have to mention his name the entire year. He certainly did a great job on week one."
Monday, September 2, 2019
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