Cousin Beth Smith has done it again. Another interesting and thought-provoking book recommendation, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb. Learn more about Gottlieb here. I'm just a couple chapters in and I'm hooked, but you know I am a big believer in psychotherapy, when and if you can find the right person. I'm sending a copy to Sally and Taylor and will pick up a couple of extras for our Austin and College Station peeps.
I'll share some thoughts as I read on, and am excited to discuss with Mom; although she seemed a bit irritated with me last night when she read the first chapter and didn't understand why I underlined a particular sentence. I have to admit, when I re-read the sentence it did seem a little weird, but it was in the context of quite a bit of other stuff . . .
"So while the image of me with mascara running down my tear-streaked face between sessions may be uncomfortable to contemplate, that's where this story about the handful of struggling humans you are about to meet begins - with my own humanity."I'll leave that alone for now, and close with these two quotes, in the front-matter section of the book, from Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung:
"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls."
"Who looks inside, awakes."