"In the book of Exodus, after Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, God gives Moses the spiritual and moral laws that he intends the Israelites follow, laws that became known as the Ten Commandments. The story is fascinating because it’s one of the few times in the Bible where God makes explicit his instructions to humanity, rather than using prophecy or interpretation. It shows the importance that God placed upon making a singular statement of principles, one so simple and clear that the Israelites would rely upon it forevermore."
General Jim Mattis, former Secretary of Defense calls this: "State your flat-ass rules and stick to them."
I'm working on mine. Beth shared her's this morning and I think they are excellent:
1. Be kind 2. Forgive, including yourself 3. Don’t waste time 4. Give every task 100% 5. Think/pause before you speak 6. Listen, Seek first to understand, put people at ease 7. Get up early/Exercise/Eat consciously 8. Show up/hold space for friends/family 9. Take action but let go of the outcome 10. Remember God is in everything
Make it a Great Monday!