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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Why I am into Peter Attia and how dots connect sometimes

Hey daughters,

This email/blog post is why I have become such a big Peter Attia fan, who seems (himself) to have become a Ryan Holiday fan. You may recall that ‘Doc’ at T4TG (Dr. Dumitrescuturned me towards Attia a couple of months ago when I was sharing how much I like my Whoop! Fitness band and the Whoop! Podcasts. 

His response was simply, "If you want to listen to some really meaningful podcasts on wellness and longevity, check out Peter Attia." So a great example of how sometimes the dots in your life can connect. My Whoop! Fitness band leads me to Doc, Doc leads me to Attia, Attia is also into (Austin-based) Holiday, whom Beth had turned me towards several years ago. As an added bonus, Mom, Lucy and I have all scheduled tune-ups and evaluations with Doc's practice in order to strive towards better overall health. (More on this in a future Nugget.)

Those starting their New Year's fasting and detox today would want to read this share from Attia about his 2020 goals. He hits on some topics I think about often when he talks of his love of racing (go-carts) and archery (previously cycling and swimming) and whether those pursuits count as pure recreation?

He shares how 'kinetic' his life has become and questions whether he spends enough time doing absolutely nothing?

So I asked myself that same question this morning as it relates to my passion for golf and my pursuit of better scores? Does walking the golf course with people I love count as true stillness? For the most part, I am not one to worry about 'scores,' and I just enjoy being outside in nature. Golf relaxes me, golf steadies me, golf rejuvenates me. And for that, I am very grateful. I see table tennis the same way and thank you,, kids,, for gifting me the new table this Christmas. How fun to have two sports at age 60 that I can play reasonably well, improve at, and enjoy!

Attia also hits the nail on the head (at least for me) when he talks about sleep at the end of the post and the early morning 'golden' hours.

Please take time to read his post today or soon. Happy Sunday!