NUGGETS FROM DAD began in the fall of 2010 when our oldest daughter left for college. (Make it a Great Monday; Stay Whole Tuesday; Woman Power Wednesday; Make Anything Thursday; and Fit as a Fiddle Friday.) | IF YOU LANDED HERE FROM GPAGESINGLETARY.COM, LINKS NEED TO BE FIXED IN THE BLOG POSTS PORTED TO THE NEW SITE. TYPE WWW.GPAGESINGLETARY.COM IN YOUR BROWSER TO RETURN, OR SEE THE LINK BELOW.
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Saturday, January 30, 2021
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Monday, January 25, 2021
500 BCE Zhou Dynasty Stone Inscription - MiaGM
"In transporting the breath, the inhalation must be full.
When it is full, it has big capacity.
When it has big capacity, it can be extended.
When it is extended, it can penetrate downward.
When it penetrates downward, it'll become calmly settled.
When it is calmly settled, it will be strong and firm.
When it is strong and firm, it will germinate.
When it germinates, it will grow.
When it grows, it will retreat upward.
When it retreats upward, it will reach the top of the head.
The secret power of Providence moves above. The secret power of the Earth moves below. He who follows this will live. He who acts against this will die"-
- from Breath by James Nestor
Friday, January 22, 2021
FaaFF: None of it matters if you are not breathing properly
Lucy and other nugs,
On this past Stay Whole Tuesday, I mentioned James Nestor's new book, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art. It is a fascinating read, written more like an adventure novel than a science book.
"No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or strong you are, none of it matters if you're not breathing properly."
Take a listen to the audio sample here, and I bet you will be hooked.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
WPW: Good luck Lucy
Good morning Lucy,
Up this morning, praying for your meeting with Fidelis Creative Agency. I've been poking around the website, and I can see how this is a really unique opportunity for you.
I am especially intrigued with the section in the link above where one of the owners discusses core values:
Have you watched each of the short videos? Do you have a list of questions that would be good to ask during your visit today? Here's a few I can think of that might be good conversation starters: (1) How do you get new clients? Word-of-mouth or through a sales process? (2) How do you measure success? (3) How does your internship program best benefit Fidelis? (4) How much Autodesk software do you use? (-;
I know you know this, but don't forget to take a notebook and a pen!
Good luck,
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Stay Whole Lucy: Breath
Lucy, I'm checking out a book by James Nestor called Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art. The book is a scientific adventure into the lost art and science of breathing. In the author's introduction:
"It explores the transformation that occurs inside our bodies every 3.3 seconds, the time it takes the average person to inhale and exhale. It explores how the billions and billions of molecules you bring in with each breath have built your bones, sheaths of muscle, blood, brains, and organs, and the emerging science of how these microscopic bits will influence your health and happiness tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and decades from now."
I just noticed that the second 'Stay Whole Tuesday,' back in 2010, when Sally was a freshman at UGA, was on the same topic: Stay Whole Tuesday - Yoga breathing.
Hope the second day of the second semester of Junior Year is full of happiness and good breath.
Monday, January 18, 2021
MiaGM: LuLu back in CSTAT
Today officially starts Lucy's second semester Junior Year of college, which means I need to get my nuggets on. Wow! Time flies, even during a pandemic.
I am proud of how Lucy is making the best of times during the worst of times. She continues to lead and minister to her Young Life team. She also has landed an exciting internship with Fidelis Creative Agency. You can learn about the agency here. She is meeting with the team on Wednesday to learn more about how she can help. What a great opportunity!
Make it a Great Monday everybody. Have a great semester Lucy May. Miss you, Sal and T across the pond!