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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

WPW: Good luck Lucy

Good morning Lucy,

Up this morning, praying for your meeting with Fidelis Creative Agency. I've been poking around the website, and I can see how this is a really unique opportunity for you.

I am especially intrigued with the section in the link above where one of the owners discusses core values:

Have you watched each of the short videos? Do you have a list of questions that would be good to ask during your visit today? Here's a few I can think of that might be good conversation starters: (1) How do you get new clients? Word-of-mouth or through a sales process? (2) How do you measure success? (3) How does your internship program best benefit Fidelis? (4) How much Autodesk software do you use? (-;

I know you know this, but don't forget to take a notebook and a pen!

Good luck,
