cc: Greg Meserole, Brian Utley, Ty Willis
Dear Harvey,
I meant to write with an update. Golf continues to provide a much-needed reprieve during these trying times. You once said: "Golf has probably kept more people sane than psychiatrists." That sure is spot on these days. Have you seen how busy our course has been during the pandemic?
My game continues to improve, and the enjoyment I get from playing is immense. I especially appreciate opportunities to play with better players, where I can watch and learn. I believe you told your students to go to dinner with good putters.
On Saturday, January 30, I played with three of ACC's finest, all copied on this note. I played well throughout the day, and we had a fun four-ball with a series of rotating team bets. My finest moment came on number 16 when I holed out from the tee (8-iron, 125 yards) for my first ever "1"! We also used a four-bagger cart, which is a great way to walk the golf course.
Your most famous lesson, Take Dead Aim, comes to mind. I want to thank you and share my appreciation with the group.
Take good care up there,