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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Stay Whole Lucy: Breath

Lucy, I'm checking out a book by James Nestor called Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art. The book is a scientific adventure into the lost art and science of breathing. In the author's introduction:

"It explores the transformation that occurs inside our bodies every 3.3 seconds, the time it takes the average person to inhale and exhale. It explores how the billions and billions of molecules you bring in with each breath have built your bones, sheaths of muscle, blood, brains, and organs, and the emerging science of how these microscopic bits will influence your health and happiness tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and decades from now."

I just noticed that the second 'Stay Whole Tuesday,' back in 2010, when Sally was a freshman at UGA, was on the same topic: Stay Whole Tuesday - Yoga breathing.

Hope the second day of the second semester of Junior Year is full of happiness and good breath.

