Emily, I had an epiphany at the beginning of April when you were in London. It was a lonely time without you and Kevin around, but I also found myself in a weird place where I was unmotivated all week. Of all the things you do for me, the biggest thing you do is motivate me, and I love that about you. Every day I get up and go to work, I always have you in the back of my mind, and it's the greatest motivation I could have. I am so proud of where you are in your career now; watching you kill it every day at Yeti has just been awesome.
I love you for being the perfect match. You are the only person in the world that can handle everything of me that is both good and bad, but I honestly don't think there is a single other person that even stood a chance. You know exactly when to let me rant or tell me to shut up. You know when I need space and when I need you. Thank you for an amazing 5 years; that was just the warm-up; get ready for the next 50+ years.
Emily makes me laugh. She brings so much joy to all of our lives. I love for her to tell me crazy stories. It makes my day, all the way in London.
Emily is so hardworking, considerate, and inclusive. I am glad that she has found a great job at Yeti, surrounded herself with good friends, is always helpful and kind to our family, is a wonderful mom to Kevin, and is a great girlfriend to Kyle. I love you so much and miss you when I’m gone.
Emily is one of my favorite daughters. She makes me laugh. She keeps up with me and stays in touch. She is always willing to help. She is the consummate 'doer' - no task too small or too big.
Emily is crushing her career! Who would not want to work with or for Emily? She is going places in the business world, and it is going to be fun to watch it happen. I love you, Emily!
I love how Meme is my best friend! I love that we get to do life together in Texas (even though we miss our British family). I don’t know what I would do without her down the road, and I’m so excited to be in the same state even after graduation!
Em is my go-to for everything, and I am so thankful! I love talking food, working out, clothes, getting our ears pierced ;), and trying all new things together. I look up to you so much and hope I can be half the amazing person you are as I grow into my post-grad life!
I love Emily so much. She always makes me smile and laugh and has the same effect on anyone she surrounds herself with. She has a way that puts everyone at ease and makes you feel like you can just be yourself. She is so down-to-earth and humble and FUN. I can never spend enough time with Emily; she is the best sister to Lucy and me. I am sad we live so far apart, but I am manifesting that one day we will live in a beautiful neighborhood sister compound, all three of us, and I can't WAIT.
I love how Emily and I are very aligned on our approach to life and whenever I need advice on the smallest or largest things - Emily is always an amazing sounding board. I love having someone so close to me that I share the same passions (interior design, fashion, Kevin, etc.) I know as life progresses, we will always have each other to navigate marriage, raising kids, adopting dogs, decorating houses, what to wear, everything! We are so lucky.
Emily is a great sister to me. I've really gotten to know her more while she's been in London for the holiday and for Sal's birthday. I respect how she stepped up and hosted Betty while Sal was sick and appreciate that she can handle so many different (big) personality types so well. It is a true talent.
I loved our pub crawl in London together. The Cross Keys and the Chelsea Pig now have some really good memories for me. Emily livens things up and is always down to have "One for the Road."
I love how fun and outgoing Emily is! She is definitely the life of the party and is always encouraging everyone to have fun as well. She has such a great attitude, and I am always more joyful when around her! I love that she and Kyle are in Austin, so I can see them more frequently throughout the year!
I love that Emily is so hospitable! She is always such a good host when I am at their home in Austin! I am always so well fed when with her and Kyle! It is always a treat to be with them.